Transforming Your Audience into CUSTOMERS
Video Ads designed to drive sales throughout the entire sales funnel

Create Videos to Empower Your Brand

Cinema Pixels adopts a comprehensive and automated approach. From creativity to writing, we are your internal marketing team.

Some Examples

We design content that catches attention and combine it with an ad buying strategy on both Google and other social networks.


Need videos for your brand?

We have produce hundreds of videos for the main social platforms

What sets us apart?
We don't just work with Video Ads that Convert
But we also combine our creativity with strategic advertising purchases on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other Social Networks. Our experts work together to create creative and outstanding content that can be measured in terms of performance.
We conduct a series of data analyses to establish a creative strategy that works best for your target audience.
Stage where we get to know each other better and initiate a dialogue about where we want this to go, and conceptualize an excellent working relationship. While this is happening, the Marketing Department begins the work of scheduling advertising campaigns on digital platforms and analyzing the behavior of our potential audience to achieve greater performance.
We will write a script, FILM it, and EDIT it, creating an ad that we both can be proud of. Meanwhile, the Marketing Department continues to work its magic structuring the campaigns.
Just like hot bread out of the oven! The videos are now ready to be distributed by our marketing team through Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and/or social networks that have been established.
A follow-up will be conducted on the performance of each campaign and it will be optimized to find the most relevant results

Our Clients

Some of the brands we have worked with
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Video ads on Facebook cost only 10% of what carousel or image ads cost

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The average person watches over 100 video ads per day.

creativity + marketing = better ROI

A strategy is needed to attract, captivate, and guide prospects through the different stages of the sales funnel until they become your customers.

Cinema Pixeles Case Studies

Discover our actions and if you're ready to move forward in growing your business through video production that enhances your brand, don't hesitate to get in touch with us!

Cintrón Windows & Doors

The increase in the number of brand views has risen by 639,000% over the course of 2023

  1. Cintrón Windows & Doors needed to stand out from the competition and turned to Cinema Pixeles to understand what could be done, as they had no web presence and lacked consistency in posting content on their social media.
  2. Immediately, we proposed a variety of video content types for their main social networks, Facebook and Instagram, experimenting with different audiences and reaching a winning content.
  3. Then, we implemented an intelligent digital marketing strategy aimed at acquiring new leads and boosting calls to their physical store, resulting in a 1,200% increase in lead generation and phone calls.

What are you waiting for?

Let's get to work!